Every student appearing for 10th/12th Standard board examination is curious to know and eager to plan for his or her career path.
Which stream should I choose after 10th/12th and why?
Which stream is ideally suited for my nature?
Can I pursue the career in the field which I like the most?
Which stream would offer me attractive job openings?
Questions like these are always jumping in every students’ and their parents’ minds. Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd. in partnership with Institute for Psychological Health (IPH), Thane has developed FUTURE VEDH Career Inclination Test which would help students and parents to derive answers for all the questions related to career path.
Success in the professional career is dependent on your Interest, understanding your Personality and your Aptitude.
FUTURE VEDH Test is designed to help every student in understanding their skills and the suitable opportunities available for their skills.
This test covers following areas:
- Numerical Ability
- Mechanical Reasoning
- Space Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- Abstract Reasoning
- Personality
- Interest
Duration of this test is of 2 Hrs
Language: English
Once the student completes this exam, a detailed report will be generated which is helpful for students to finalize their career path.
Registrations are now open!
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